Shared Harvest is a mission-driven benefit corporation dedicated to spreading compassion through wellness, service, and student debt relief.
We design capacity-building and data-driven digital solutions to the social drivers of health. We also address well-being, the digital divide, and financial insecurity in order to advance health equity for everyone.
Shared Harvest is involved in three projects:
Project #RESUS aimed at transforming the culture of healthcare by combating structural racism, addressing workforce inequities, as well as increasing access to a diverse community of medical practitioners who have improved emotional well-being,
Jouvé, our Civic Technology, aims to match skills-based volunteers with opportunities to increase their social impact while reducing their student loan debt burden, and
Jouvé Health (formerly myCovidMD), our Health Technology platform, aims to help companies find and retain diverse talent, deliver value-based care, and manage retention programs.
WE BELIEVE that by enhancing access to and providing support for BIPOC and female-identified medical practitioners, we will advance health equity, sustain the healthcare workforce, and advance overall health outcomes for all.

invested back into the community through Volunteer Human Capital
Sponsored COVID-19 Pop-Up Clinic Events
Lives touched across services
Vaccinated in high-risk communities
Towards Student Loan Debt Relief
Volunteer Community Health Partners in the Network
Collective safety net tethering residents to equitable resources in real-time by real people

"I Am Not Your Hero" Film & Storycorp is an initiative aimed at documenting the stories & experiences of BIPOC physicians in Healthcare.
The film, directed by Kelli Kali, explores the unique mental health challenges and experiences of BIPOC doctors. It reveals the toll that caring for others takes on African American doctors, mothers and wives – and particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic – and their desire to be seen for who they are: talented doctors and ordinary people.
Health Equity
SHF | myCovidMD™ is the only organization of its kind to offer a student loan debt relief incentive program during the pandemic. The diverse volunteer network affords the ability to reach high-risk residents in an authentic, compassionate, and culturally sensitive way and rewards deserving SHF volunteers who outreach in hard to reach neighborhoods and BIPOC communities, support local residents and host community based pop-up clinic block-parties.

Financial Equity
Community Health Partners (CHPs) have successfully helped nearly 13,000 residents with free testing, telehealth, health education, contact tracing, and vaccinations, all while eliminating over $120,000 in student loan debt through the Student Loan Debt Relief (SLDR) Program.
At Shared Harvest, we are creating more equitable access to higher education by using empathy-driven technology to connect borrowers with service opportunities in their communities that help reduce their student loan debt. We also offer unique opportunities to improve borrowers' mental health and promote loan forgiveness, all while enhancing human resource capital and professional development within our communities.

Digital Equity
Shared Harvest is a leader in advocacy around broadband initiatives and the campaign to make connectivity more accessible to all. In collaboration with community-based organizations and civic leaders, we have designed a new wave of Empatech™ (empathy-driven technology) that is low tech and highly human centered in order to make telehealth more accessible in neighborhoods impacted by the digital divide.

Trusted by the Most Reputable

Hear It from Our Volunteers

Your support will help us RESUScitate and revitalize the medical pipeline and ensure that we can even the playing field for BIPOC and female-identified healthcare practitioners. For more information please contact us at people@sharedharvestfund.org.